Wheeled Concrete Buggy
The Mud Buggy® offers versatility and flexibility to any task. Its compact size and maneuverability allow you to dump material in tough to reach areas. And, its capacity to hold up to 16 cubic-feet of material make your job more productive. Operation around your job site is also simple, safe, and controlled with the patented ride-on operator platform and dual-action dump pedal.
The full day rate is for a 24 hour period. i.e. if you pick it up at 9:30am it's due back by 9:30 the next morning. (some conditions apply)
Alternatively, we have a special weekend offer: for the full day rate you can pick it up after 3:30pm Friday and bring it back by 8:00am the following Monday. However, if someone has it rented for the day Friday you won't be able to pick it up until Saturday morning.